Marketing Habits Mastermind
To keep your body healthy, you need to exercise on daily basis. Similarly, to keep your business healthy, you need to do marketing on a daily basis. This course enables business owners inculcate the habit of marketing. Entrepreneurs who benefit the most from this workshop are the ones who are aware whom to market, what to market but lack consistency. They get the implementation hand holding in the Mastermind group. This is where they are held accountable and more than one brain works on getting business solutions for their business. The structure is so designed to keep the entrepreneur infused with magnetic attraction potion. They start taking actions which impact business and everyday life. Making entrepreneurs healthy, wealthy and happy all at the same time.
Kedar Bhole
- Founder and Director of Charge Up Life. This company is focused on inculcating a habit of regular Marketing for entrepreneurs. The modules run under this company are run in the online space.
- President and Partner of Success Habits Academy and a passionate coach. He helps entrepreneurs grow their business exponentially. Kedar heads the operations of offline Trainings and Franchise support. SHA has a franchise in Raipur.
- Founder of Pristinus Interior Solutions LLP a company which excels in doing high end interior works. A recently done penthouse project got published in a leading interior design magazine.
- Director Consultant for Trainings in BNI Mumbai. Has been conducting trainings in BNI to help entrepreneurs grow business and gain more referrals since November 2013.
- District Trainer BNI India. Helping entrepreneurs on pan India basis to generate more referrals and gain more business using BNI principles.