Marketing Habits Maximizer
Sometimes you are not able to open out to your biggest fears when you are around other entrepreneurs. At times you need someone to brainstorm with you and your management team for the way forward. The marketing strategy implementation is no more individual responsibility but a need of your team. The business situation demands you to go for a customized marketing solution. In any of the above cases or combination of them, the best solution sought is Maximizer course. Here a tailor made solution is worked out based on your company requirements, your competitive advantage, your team dynamics, your product/ service regulations and any such requirements. The course is spread over 4 to 6 months where your marketing strategy is streamlined, implemented, documented, tested and established for continuously attracting customers.
Kedar Bhole
- Founder and Director of Charge Up Life. This company is focused on inculcating a habit of regular Marketing for entrepreneurs. The modules run under this company are run in the online space.
- President and Partner of Success Habits Academy and a passionate coach. He helps entrepreneurs grow their business exponentially. Kedar heads the operations of offline Trainings and Franchise support. SHA has a franchise in Raipur.
- Founder of Pristinus Interior Solutions LLP a company which excels in doing high end interior works. A recently done penthouse project got published in a leading interior design magazine.
- Director Consultant for Trainings in BNI Mumbai. Has been conducting trainings in BNI to help entrepreneurs grow business and gain more referrals since November 2013.
- District Trainer BNI India. Helping entrepreneurs on pan India basis to generate more referrals and gain more business using BNI principles.