Do Not Go With The Flow
If we look at the 6 billion people across the globe the Pareto’s principle of 80:20 is evident in the riches that people have, the fame, the luxury, the power all of it is with 20%. Even when you apply the Pareto principle to that awesome 20% group you would find another elite section into that which forms just 4% of the total global population
What makes this 4% so special that they have all the privileges, access to the best experiences, financial abundance and everything just falls in place for them. One thing that I have realized is that they do not go with the Flow.
Let us first understand what I mean by going with the flow. These people can be compared to a log of wood that falls into a river. It just keeps going with the flow as per the turns and bumps the river goes. The experience the rapids, the whirlpool traps, the blazing sun beating on them and have no control of what is happening to them. They are one among the many things that are flowing along and end up living an average life.
On the other hand the super successful ones who don’t end up living average lives are those who decide to ride the flow by building a boat. They are the captain of this boat and guide it to the destinations they want to reach when floating down the river. They maneuver the rapids and whirlpools effectively as they keep guiding the boat. The dock at various milestones along the river to make the boat stronger and stronger. Eventually the enter the sea wherein lies abundant wealth, happiness and prosperity.
So do not let life happen to you by floating mindlessly. Take control by building your boat, defining your milestones, make it stronger everyday by docking it at learning stations, decide the experiences you want on the journey to the abundant ocean. You will be better prepared to weather the storms and reach the out to the treasures of the sea.
Personally I was floating along until I built my boat, charted my route and learned by docking at various Gurus. My big mission is to help one million entrepreneurs attract more customers, express themselves fully and bring a smile on their face. Do share what is your mission in life and what is the treasure that will make your life worthwhile.