As a human race, we always aspire to have more and more. The most common of these are materialistic gains like money, cars, homes, luxurious vacations, a promotion at work or business growth, a sculpted body, a good partner in life, awesome relationships, a reputed status in society and so forth. There are tons of material available in print, audio and video formats online on how to achieve all of these.
“The most basic principle covered in all of information available is to set a goal and act on it.”
But despite knowing this, people do not succeed. They have a strong desire to achieve things, they have dreams, they even take actions, yet fail. You will find people who are working hard, slogging it out yet they are unable to achieve their goals. They don’t have a fulfilling or satisfying journey. A lot of pain is experienced and sometimes they just give up on their dreams and start compromising with their goals. On the other hand, there are a handful who put in those efforts, take consistent actions and you can see the results they create. The best part about these people is that their journey to success is satisfying and worthwhile.
What is the difference between the two types? It is the order in which these three words are positioned in their mind – BE-DO-HAVE
The ones who do not succeed are just daydreaming of things they want, keep looking at social media posts of people who have their dream lifestyle. Their order of these three words are HAVE – DO – BE. They believe that the day I have money in my life, I will start planning and managing my money; the day my business starts making profits, I will hire teams and implement systems; the day I have a healthy body, I will start eating healthy food. All their beliefs are future outcome based and hence their actions also remain in the future and their results too.
The successful ones start with BE – DO – HAVE sequence. They start being the person who does the things to have those results. They start being the financially disciplined person who plans and manages the cashflow to amass abundant wealth. They believe they are a healthy person who takes care of the body at every moment and thus give themselves a fit and healthy body structure.
It all begins with whom do you identify yourself to be. It’s your belief about your own-self which can give you success and happiness. So, start asking yourself a simple question when you take any action. What would a healthy person do at this moment? What would a wealthy person do at this moment? Start by being that person, who does those things to have those results.