Be Krishna. Not Arjuna
As you walk into a consumer electronics store, most salespeople just ask for the product that you are looking to buy. The moment you say, ‘washing machine’ or ‘flat screen TV’, they just go on iterating the rehearsed script stating the variety of TV sets they have on display and their features and functions hoping to impress you with the wide range of products and their countless features. On top of it all, they want you to pick one quickly and make the payment so that they enjoy being the hero for their organization for closing a fast sale.
The problem with this sale (if ever it happens) is that the seller wants to be the hero. They have a variety of arrows like Arjuna. They love displaying their range of arrows (products), the power of each arrow (features of their products), their skill to hit bull’s eye (presentation and closing). This results in the customer either being overwhelmed, confused, or lost in a sea of options. They feel trapped and are unable to think. I say that instead of another hero here, they need a guide like Krishna, who can help them overcome the dilemma. Someone who can help them identify the path, understand the consequences of the various available paths and assure them from within about the decision which is coming from deep within.
This holds true with all business owners who are selling their products and services. They unleash a flurry of arrows over their customers. They love displaying their entire showroom or the full range of services they offer. If this describes what you do, take a moment to step back. Firstly, try identifying what exactly is the need, the challenge, or the pain area. In the TV case, it could be the enhanced viewing pleasure, the pride of owning a big screen TV, the shame of not inviting friends over or the act of showing love to the family. After having considered all of this is when you could suggest the best suited option to help your customer overcome his/her predicament. The customers need to be provided with the apt information, or as I’d like to say, the proper ammunition. Let them be the one shooting the arrow and win the battle. Make them feel, that they have the power. And then let them experience the magic.
They will become your loyal customers and will refer you to their friends and family. It will create a long-term relationship and lay a strong foundation for a successful business.
Thus, I strongly urge you to not be the Hero, but be the Guide and create Heroes. You will have countless followers for generations.