Anything to Everything matters!

I have come across over 5000 entrepreneurs in the last 6 months. This is a time when most of the world was in a lock down, however I was privileged to train, coach or touch lives of these entrepreneurs because of my profession. I am Business Coach and the National Trainer for BNI India. This presented me opportunity to deliver training to entrepreneurs which could help them generate business. In some cases motivate them to take action or some of them understood how to see this tough time as an opportunity and not as an hurdle
The content which I have delivered was absolutely the same. However some of them took these learning’s and created massive results and impact however some just did not take any action. I am intrigued, as to why, this breed (Entrepreneurs) who are self motivated fail to take action. One thing which I have sensed makes difference is ‘How you do anything is How you do everything’
The action takers were natural action takers in every arena of life. They came to the training so that they could upgrade themselves and be a better version of themselves. Some of them came to training because they thought there could be some quick fix solutions and would try the ideas in that context. Some came because they were pushed by others to do so and were only there because they couldn’t say no. Some came because they want to be seen by others that they are attending training.
Now this small act of enrolling to a training is one part of How you do anything. Its the thought process of enrolling with an end goal or purpose. Moving on from the thought process the next step is registering for the training. Some people register immediately without even checking schedule, some people check schedule and then say no I have other priorities, some check schedule and say oh there is something else but my growth is more important so I will register and reschedule the activity which was clashing, some keep it on hold till last minute and register and the same segment has people saying I was going to register but missed out as seats got full.
While the training is in progress also some people are totally in sync with training, some are multi tasking because in online world they can do so and no one will come to know, some are silent observers, some are super active and participating to gain knowledge, some are participating to show others how much they know, some just login and are away from the training. Finally comes the part of what will you do of the learning you got from the training and the notes you have taken. Some keep the notes back in their shelf which results in Shelf development where as some implement these learning’s to enjoy self development and growth in business.
It boils down to a simply what you do and how you do it? Are you giving your 100%. It all started from registration to complete process of training. The ones who created massive results were the ones who gave their 100%, who believed in How you do anything, Is how you do everything! Hence I would say anything takes you to everything.
Pay close attention 🙂
Warm regards Kedar Bhole
Marketing Habits Expert

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